Free Guide

How Smart Research Helps Win Product Line Reviews

This guide suggests several research inputs you can gather to make your PLR presentation more fact-based and to provide more aha moments for retail buyers.

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Download this free guide for important prep for your next product line review.

While no two line reviews are alike, it is always good practice to frame any presentation with up-to-date research data about your brand, your category and your shoppers. Whether you are the captain seeking to defend your turf, or a new challenger looking to unseat the leaders, good research can insert an important reality check into the conversation. 

For anyone marketing in retail channels, the line review process imposed by big box retailers such as Home Depot and Lowe's is always a challenge. Now more than ever as retailers are faced with online shopping competition and showrooming by consumers, the merchants are looking to you for validation that your products deserve their shelf space.

To improve your odds at the next line review, here are some quick research inputs you can gather to make your presentation more fact-based and to provide more aha moments for your audience.

Download this free research guide to learn how you can determine:

  • Who is buying your products and why
  • How much other brands are spending on advertising
  • Where your brand ranks in awareness, relevance and preference
  • Effectiveness of your packaging and in-store messaging

plus many other useful insights!

Download this guide to help answer the questions retail buyers may not yet have considered.